Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cooper's Lake Cross Country Invitational

This is Sam's first year of Cross Country. I'm pretty proud and excited about it. I ran in high school, too, but I think Sam actually has a chance of being good at it. Plus it's something he and I both like, so that's nice.
Action shot! Uphill right away.
Aggie was cheering him on. Lily was criticizing him for not being first.
He was somewhere around 304? in a race of 415? I believe he's improved his time in every meet.

Have a good weekend!


Annette said...

Well, at least ONE of the girls was being supportive. Yay, Sam!

Great pictures, by the way.

poefusion said...

How exciting Sam. Congrats on crossing that finish line and improving your time. Keep up the good work. Have a great weekend everyone.

honeypiehorse said...

Wow, I can't believe all those kids are running! What a healthy town that must be.

Becky said...

Great pictures! I love the one of them all charging the hill.

Emily said...

Gosh Darnit! I have good lookin' nieces and nephew. He looks so excited in that first pic. Way to Go!

Amy said...

I always admire runners. I just don't have the perseverance. I love that first shot--he looks so excited. Go, Sam!