Something killed Rooster's girlfriends.
His 2 little Silkies. So he was all alone. To add insult to injury, they came back Friday night and beat him up. His feathers were strewn all over the coop. His beautiful tail is barely intact. Comb and legs are scuffed and bloodied. My poor Rooster.

I'm so glad he survived, and we called Mr. C. down the road to get him some new girlfriends. It was love at first sight. To make up for his horrible night, I was spoiling him with earthworms and bugs and dandelion greens.

I also set a box trap for the evil menace attacking our chickens. I was rewarded with a very nice egg.


Scary, no?.....

A baby 'possum. Not likely the culprit, but I suspect he or she is a relative of the chicken murderer. When I went to check the trap it was all curled up in a ball sleeping. Hideously cute. Pitiful. I let him go.
And he ran directly into the chicken barn.
I'm glad you didn't kill it although you probably should have. Never mind, you'll get him when he grows up and starts drinking and smoking and joins a gang.
I almost recoiled into the fetal position from one of those photos. Will you keep trying the trap?
I'll keep using the trap, but first time I find little 'possum sized cigarette butts & beer bottles, his ass is grass.
Oh, Sara! My husband wants to know if you realize the purpose of the live trap. I think he/she suckered you. Sorry I shoot possums and make Jon clean up the mess. They are vicious little creatures.
Wow those photos are so menacing! Those claws! And "hideously cute" is a good term for it.
Sara, you're so right about the 'possums. What can I say? I caved! :)
But I have this weird respect for them out of appreciation that they clean up all the foulest stuff of the forest. I'm just glad I'm not a 'possum, you know? lol
But you've given me inspiration for a little more toughness. Thanks for stoppin' over!)
Poor Rooster! Glad he fought off the 'soon to be caught' culprit.
I feel bad that the possum got the best of your Silkies :(. Hopefuuly it doesn't happen again.
I must say, I'm surprised to hear it was a possum. I'd have bet on a fox. Or a raccoon. You know, it still could BE a fox or a raccoon and the real killer is framing the possum.
Yeah, I know. This is why I write murder mysteries.
And I'm so sorry to hear about the silkies, even though they stiffed me on payment for critter sitting them last time.
What a cute little dude! Can't you keep it in the house, raise it as a pet, and dress it in doll clothes? Please?
I've caught a few opossums in a trap just like yours. I too let them go. I couldn't stand the thought of killing him when he was only curious. I wanted to catch the raccoon that was around during this time too. But, I had no success.
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