Monday, December 29, 2008
Mark's grandmother picked the girls up an hour ago and they're spending the night with her. This saves me from running them over in the morning before work and saves the girls from another long day at the office with me.
They did well on their 9 to 5 shift today. Right off the bat they met D, one of our pet customers. He went to grade school with my dad but rode a shorter bus, if you know what I mean. He is the sort who never forgets to get me and my sister a Christmas gift but must be told to wipe the donut from his face. He has an uncanny ability to predict when we have donuts in the office. Less impressive when we realized it was because he was watching us from the gas station parking lot across the street. I guess that could seem creepy, but he's harmless. He's our D. Gotta love him.
So the girls came to work with me today since we hadn't planned out any other arrangements for them while the boys were camping. They brought plenty to do and basically held it together until lunch, when we went out to get food and I told them to get all the wrestling out of their system while they were in the car because they were going to have to get ahold of themselves for the second half of the day. I'd say they did pretty great for a long damn day in an office. I know it's tough for me.
Last night they slept with me instead of in their usual pile on the floor. And this evening we had tortilla chips for supper and snuggled on the couch laughing out loud at cartoons. I've been relishing the cuddling. There are plenty of other times they are so squirmy I have to shoo them away 'Git!' before they send me into conniptions.
Aggie was torn between the opportunity to sleep over at grandma's with a bonus trip to the movies, and leaving her dear old mum all alone. It wasn't because I said anything to make her feel that way, she was just worrying about me. Little Mother Hen. I remember when I was in 2nd grade (or 3rd?) and it was my sister's first day of kindergarten, and I fretted and worried to the point of tears for her all day only to find out that she'd had a perfectly wonderful time. So I tried my best to convince Aggie that I'd be just fine for one short night.
Oh, and I locked myself out of the house as they were driving away. How many times do I have to do that before I take preventive measures? Why oh why do I turn that little lock when I'm just stepping out on the porch? What is that? And of course the one window I can usually crawl through Mark had locked before he left town. Super. And I'd been locking everything else the whole time I've been home without him. So I stood in the dark in the cold, on the porch, without a phone, and no one to call anyway. Even if Mark wasn't hours and hours away and unreachable by phone, his keys were in the house too. I'm pretty sure the Onstar (brilliant waste of money so far, by the way-thanks for proving that yet again, Onstar--unlock my damn house if you're so smart!) in the car still has phone minutes but who to call? No one has a spare key. But hallelujah when I tried the 'front door!' Our house is one of those houses where you don't really use the front door. We used to use it, but the front of the house, picket fenced yard, and front porch all belong to the dogs now. They have destroyed the grass, buried & excavated the walkway, dug giant hole/forts for themselves and turned the porch into a barn/dog sty. Whatever, at this point. Point was, Aggie didn't lock the door after she fed Copper! And I'm an idiot. Must hide a key somewhere and soon.
Mark did give a call this afternoon. They're up in the Allegheny National Forest and they have to take a 15 minute drive to get to a point where there's phone service. He said Sam asked him to climb a mountain, and Mark agreed, and then Sam 'ran up the mountain,' got to the top, and then bounced and jumped all the way down 'like Tigger.' I guess Sam's old man had trouble keeping up with him. And it sounds like they've had fun, so I'm glad. Can't wait to take that boy hiking! Appalachian Trail, here we come.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Recap
My dad took the girls overnight to visit my aunt and uncle, so once the boys left I was home alone. I honestly don't know the last time it's happened that I had no husband or child at home. It rarely, rarely ever happens.
First thing I did was fix the pig pen. Seriously. Before he left, Mark found that the massive amounts of rain overnight had caused the creek to flood and knock over part of the fence. He didn't have time to fix it before he left, and he said that he didn't think those particular pigs (there are only 2 out there right now) had the ambition to escape but if I wanted to, I could run a temporary repair of the electric fence with some fiberglass fence posts. Well, ya! Why wouldn't I want to?
Honestly, the weather was so unseasonably warm that I was happy to be outside. I was already junky from doing housework, so I just headed out as I was: in my pajamas. I knew I was going to get muddy. What was the sense in dirtying more clothes ? No sense, I said. I put on my handy dandy Muck boots and got busy. Thank goodness they go up to my knees because I needed every inch of them. And they look awesome with ratty pink flannel pajama pants. I only had to re-route about 20 feet of fence. The hardest part was probably carrying the roll of fence wire. It's smaller than a bag of sugar, but weighs about a hundred pounds. The quicksand was tricky too, but a little fun. Try messing about in a creek and not having fun at the same time. I'm not sure it's possible.
I think my patch job will hold up until Mark returns. It wasn't pretty but the pigs were still there today when I checked on them. Mission accomplished! After that I shoveled two wheelbarrow loads of horse manure out of the barn and into the manure spreader, fed critters, then took a much needed shower.
It took me about 5 hours to get bored and lonely without my family. Darn it! I'd already read the book Mark got me for Christmas (about the Appalachian Trail-loved it!) and didn't have one I was ready to jump in to. I read the paper. I didn't want to clean anymore. Never fails that you only get time to yourself when you don't want it and never get it when you do want it. Finally Dad brought the girls back. We camped out in my room for the night and spent all of today in front of the television. I finally quit beating myself up about it around suppertime. How often do we sit like lumps in front of the tv all day. One day won't warp our brains too much. Will it? The girls wore their pajamas all day until they got a shower after supper and put their pajamas on again. The same pajamas. I don't care. We're going all out. We shared a T-Bone steak, also. I cooked it myself, and it was good.
And that has been the sum of my holidays. Not really, but I'm going to bed now.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pre-Christmas Goings On
So the holidays have us all pooped out already. We were grateful for a 2 hour delay of school yesterday to allow for a little extra sleep. Mark woke Sam up Sunday night to tell him to turn his alarm off so he could sleep in...No, I take that back. Mark woke Sam up by telling him to get up because he was late for school, and Sam jumped up in a stupor with a hearty shout of 'Elvis!' No idea what that was about.
Poor Lily is strung tight as a drum. I had such high expectations for her Daisy Scout Christmas Program.There were songs with little synchronized dances, songs with sign language, and they all had to memorize a line to a story. Lily's was :"Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our Savior." Ya, that's right, I remembered it by heart just now.
I was pumped about all the awesome pictures I was going to take. What actually happened was we arrived 'late,' though we were there in plenty of time. I was just at the edge of my wits because I'd been pounding this date and time into my head for about a month, along with 'don't forget the grab bag gift, wrap the grab bag gift, troop leader gift, holly Christmas tree ornament, red sweater, Santa hat, learn your lines, etc, etc ' and when it finally rolled around, things just weren't going smoothly. Hurried supper, rush to the church, forget the ornament in the car, blah blah, just petty annoyances. But on top of that, they put her in the back row, and I couldn't see her the whole damned time! Come on! Couldn't they have them all switch around for the different songs?
Ah well, I'm not a complainer mom. I'm a 'grateful-that-you're-doing-it-instead-of-me-I-know-how-bitchy-parents-can-be' mom, and other than that they did a really terrific job. Besides that, Lily was so tired and unenthusiastic, pale and hollow-eyed that she wasn't very photogenic anyway. My baby was tired!Aggie's schedule has been the easiest this holiday season. One grab bag and a tray of cheese and crackers.
At any rate, I'm looking forward to parking myself on the sofa all Christmas day, and sleeping in the day after Christmas and possibly the day after that. Or getting the crazies because there's stuff everywhere and my house is a wreck. Kind of a tradition, too.
Here's what's trappin':These came from the live traps Mark has set up at a nearby neighbor's house. She asked him to trap all the raccoons that have infested her property. I found out that the bait is tampons with vanilla on them. He took my tampons to trap raccoons. Didn't even ask first.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's over.
So here's my perch:
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mark had to put new round bales in to the horses and cows. Penny and I were in charge of opening and closing gates behind the tractor.
Here's Penny smiling for the camera:
Jill cannot control herself whenever you're near enough to pet her. She writhes around on the ground, beside herself with happiness. She literally somersaulted here:
Penny's not sure what to think of her.
Is it possible to have a crush on a cow? Is he not handsome?
Cute, but not Buddy.These kids have 'sled ridden' ('sled rided?') in the mud. This is slightly better snowfall than mud, and they'll take what they can get; they're not picky. There was just enough snow to scrape together a puny little jump.
Catching air? Barely.
Have to fill the furnace. This is the sole source of our toasy warm heat. It has to eat once or twice a day.
You can see the furnace in the upper right hand corner next to the mountain of fire wood. I've resigned myself to having a giant mountain of fire wood all winter. No use fighting it.
It was really cold today, as I said, so I took pity on poor old YoYo the cat and let him come in for a little while. YoYo was originally a house cat but earned banishment to the barn for peeing on Sam's backpack and the living room floor, among other things. Helen earned her banishment for pooping behind the hotwater tank in the cellar. Her litter box was approximately 15 feet away. Much too far to walk.
So I don't know who was happier, YoYo or the kids. It was like getting a new pet. They have been meowing Christmas songs to him all day.
They came in from sledding and made themselves some warm milk. Not hot cocoa, warm milk. My 'recipe' with cinnamon and sugar. Warm milk and the awesome chocolate chip cookies Sam made all by himself earlier today.
Sorry, Copper. Did I forget about you?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
More faces. And a tail or two.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Now with more commas!
Ha! These are the type of random snapshots you get when you work with your siblings and they sneak your camera away from your desk. No idea why I look so melancholy here. The picture frame in the background holds the portrait of the TV family from 'Mr. Belvedere.' Would you believe I've only had one person ask me about it.
So. No point to this post. I'm entertaining myself since the kids went to bed and my better half is conked out in his chair because he was out hunting til 2am-ish last night. He said Jill climbed a tree last night. And that was a good thing. They got 2 raccoons. I got to hog the bed all to myself. Win, win. (comma!)
Unfortunately, I also got up this morning and found that he'd tracked dirt all over the floor I'd scrubbed on hands and knees while he was gone. And since he was already awake he'd also decided to bottle up some of his honey to fill an order he had to deliver in Pittsburgh and that was also dripped on the floor.
I didn't feel like getting mad, but I did almost cry. I cleaned it up and the moment passed. He was sleep deprived after all.
And in conclusion:
6th Grade Christmas Musical
Of course I didn't know that I'd have to provide some sort of costume until the very last minute, so the kids and I dragged ourselves into the dollar store in search of an elf hat. Thank heavens they had one because we were already spent from our trips to Home Depot with Ag's Girl Scout troop for the Build Your Own art display easel and then to Michael's for You Are Trapped Forever In Craft Purgatory.
So the elf hat and the turtleneck were the sum of my efforts. It was a really cute program and they did a great job.
Sam-O and his Dad were eyeballing each other through the whole thing. I kept giving Mark the look to make sure he wasn't trying too hard to make Sam laugh. Sam said later that he was almost in tears trying not to laugh, but I know part of it was just his joy at having his Dad there watching him.
It was drizzling as we left and I said to the kids 'Wait! I have to get my coat on or I'll melt!,' and the look on Lily's face was fairly priceless. Because instantly there was a big part of her that was dying to see her mother melt. Maybe not all the way into a puddle but at least a little softened and runny. Rarely do I fully have her attention like this. She asked why would I melt, and I told her it was because I was so sweet, like sugar, and sugar melts in water. She silently stared at me as she struggled between the possibility of seeing something so incredible and then the dawning reality that it wasn't going to happen. Finally I got one over on her!
And poor Aggie this morning. She caught me as I was heading out the door and said that her teacher said I 'had to sign this.' I was confused because we'd already done all the homework last night. Turns out she got a big fat stinkin' F on a math paper in class. It was apparent that she'd been rehearsing her little speech, because it spilled out in this run-on sentence of 'I'm sorry Mommy and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again and I promise I'll work really hard and..." We've had this happen with one or the other of them every blue moon or so and they normally get all A's & B's so I didn't get too excited. Everybody has a bad day once in a while. And it certainly explains her weird mood last night. That's kind of a relief-I wasn't the cause of it for once!
A customer stopped in the office yesterday and we started in on the obligatory 'Are you ready for Christmas?' conversation when he stopped mid-sentence and said 'You know what, never mind, have a Merry Christmas' and walked out the door. And I was grateful. Because he understood that I've had this conversation about 300 times already and will have it at least 300 times more. Not that I always mind, it's usually pleasant enough, but he's the first person to ever give me a pass on it. His little Christmas gift to me, I guess.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Even more fun than I expected
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hunting Season!
It's the beginning of our two week deer season. We went out Monday for 'First Day' and again yesterday. Nothing so far, but I had a really good time. It's like a holiday in these parts. The kids don't have school, and folks take vacation days from work. I really enjoy being a part of the rusty pickup driving, fluorescent orange wearing, gun toting family. We stop along the side of the road and talk to one another through the open windows of our trucks comparing notes and rumors. I'm definitely in the minority as a girl, but I'm getting used to that part. We listen to classic rock on the AM/FM/cassette player with our rifles propped on the seat between us. We scan the countryside as we're driving, looking for deer and other hunters. We have really bad hat hair, and my nose runs most of the day. I know! Sounds fun, right?
Got up first thing Monday morning in the dark. Mark got me up way too early. Way earlier than necessary, so I went back to bed for a little while and waited for the coffee to brew. I have to admit, I've been in such a PMS low for the past week or two that I wasn't even positive I was going to get up at all. I was lying in bed Sunday night psyching myself up so I'd be re-excited to go & doing a quiet pantomime of taking aim at an invisible deer on the ceiling & squeezing the trigger with my 'air rifle.' Ya, that's not weird at all.
We sited in our rifles on Saturday and I was pulling down and left so I was trying to visualize steadiness. I was only off one ring of the bulls-eye at 100 yards, but I'm a big believer in visualizing & muscle memory & sleeping on it.
So we got up Monday morning. Mark left to go hunting at the neighbor's place over the hill, and I headed out at 6:30 to the woods behind our house. Sweated up the hill in the dark, crawled under the fence and climbed up into the tree stand. It's not really a tree stand because it's a free standing hut, but that's what I call it. Actually we call it 'John's tree stand' because our friend John built it.
My uncle and his 2 boys were in 'My tree stand' along the left edge of our property, and my other uncle was down the hill in the woods somewhere. It was bitter cold and windy, but I was prepared. My newest indispensable hunting accessory is a ThermaCare HeatWrap taped to my chest. Best two dollars I've spent in a long time. That along with a tank top undershirt, 2 long underwear shirts, a sweater, a sweat shirt, a hunting coat, 2 scarves, long underwear pants, jeans, carhart bib overalls, knit hat, muck boots, gloves, and hand warmers in each boot. Pockets full of fruit, a knife, bullets, and my cell phone. I weighed myself with all my stuff & it was an extra 30 pounds. No wonder I sweat walking up the hill.
So the biggest drawback to the wind was that it totally gave me away to the deer. As soon as they were down wind of me, they high-tailed it out of the area.
I saw a raccoon. And squirrels so fat that I spontaneously whispered to myself 'holy fat ****ing squirrel.' Seriously, they were huge, like body builders. The hooty owls were saying their farewells as the sun came up. All in all, I was OK with the morning in spite of the lack of deer action.
I went down for lunch and relocated to the neighbor's farm til sundown. Skunked again. (Not literally.) But I was bird & squirrel watching, and the intermittent snow fall made me smile. I was sitting on a milk crate in a lovely creek bottom in the woods.
After dark, Mark was skinning deer that folks brought to us to butcher. It'll be Christmas money. He said he wasn't going to do deer this year, but he just can't say 'no' sometimes. Plus 10 hours a day wrapping meat gives me something to do with all my free time on the weekends.
(Update--Mark hasn't made me help one time this year. Now that must be love.)
The kids were staying with his grandparents for the first days of deer season, by the way. We didn't have to lock them in a closet or anything. When I stopped by they were having a scavenger hunt/hide and seek game. The hider would hide several written clues in various hiding places which eventually led the seeker to where the hider was hiding. Clues were along the lines of " The first clue is where you hear 'ring, ring!''hello' " or " I'm hiding behind something covered in flowers." A hunt was about 4 clues long and they were having a blast. I loved that it was reading and writing practice.
So Tuesday morning there was no way I was getting up a 5am, and I slept in a bit. I knew I'd have mucho chores to do when I got home in the evening and I needed to conserve a little energy. Mark thought he was going to get up and out-hunter me, but I'm way too cuddly to resist (sure!) and he stayed in bed too.
After we got our butts out of bed we decided to head back over to the neighbor's farm again. This time I wanted to overlook an open field at the top of the property, so Mark found me a spot and left to find his own. The wind was brutal. My Dad said that the wind chill made it 16 degrees and I believe it. I wedged myself up against a tree to get a little relief. At one point the giant black cloud hanging overhead shifted east leaving nothing but a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining on my face. One of those things that makes you feel so lucky and happy to be alive. Another giant black cloud came to take the place of the first one about five minutes later.
I wasn't seeing deer so Mark decided to push the woods out to me to see if he could get any moving. I saw a few, but we had decided to wait to see if we could get a buck this week instead of a doe, and I didn't see any that met the 4 points on one side requirement. So we eventually took a lunch break to warm up and to check if there had been any more deer dropped off to be butchered.
At Mark's grandparents' we had ourselves a redneck energy bar: jumbo (aka bologna) and cheese on white bread. It's something that we rarely eat any other time of year, especially white bread, but it always taste so good during hunting season when you're cold and hungry.
After lunch we decided to hunt up behind the grandparents' house where Mark did most of his boyhood hunting. He calls it Rea's Rocks. It's woods with giant rocks and boulders scattered through them. There's also a huge tree Mark and his best friend carved all their girlfriends' names into. (No, I'm not on it. And that's OK, because now it's falling down. Ha!)
The other cute thing up there is the 'log cabin' they built themselves when they were kids. It's about 15 feet by 15 feet and 4 feet tall. They really cut down trees to build it. They camped, smoked cigarettes, drank beer. You know, real Tom Sawyer stuff. But really, they hunted up there and had their adventures. It's neat to see. And that's where I spent the rest of my hunting day. I saw a couple deer, but the wind was still working against me. I had a small one stroll in from upwind, but she bolted as soon as she hit downwind of me. But that's the way it goes! I still had a great time and I'm looking forward to heading out again sometime in the next two weeks.